Mushroom grower

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Le Bougès in the Cevennes Southern France

around and about

The Lozère is the least highly populated Départment in France and, as a result, the landscape and nature are intact, and pollution is an unknown problem. Most of the 80,000 inhabitants still live in the many small villages and hamlets scattered through the highlands and valleys.

The Département includes a variety of landscapes, from the schist of the Cévennes to the granite of the Mont Lozère (2,400 metres).
Mas la Devèze is to the south-east between the Cévennes valleys and the warm, southern flanks of the Bougès, the plateau from which the Mont Lozère rises.

Further to the west are the Causse Méjean (a spectacular, moon-like limestone moor) and the Gorges of the Tarn and the Jonte.
The beauty and diversity of the Lozère mean that there is something for everyone.

la vallee

On average, the Lozère is the highest Département in France but the altitude switches rapidly between the wooded valleys to the grassy highlands, making any hike or drive varied and interesting.

The whole Département and especially the Cévennes are criss-crossed by footpaths, and we have plenty of guide books to help you plan your hikes and drives, to make sure that you get the most out of your trip and see the many things of interest in the region.

Everywhere, there is water—rivers, streams, lakes—which is why the Lozère is known as the "France's Water Tower". And the many rivers, dams and lakes make for happy fishermen, swimmers and canoeists alike—even windsurfers.

Most of the Cévennes is between 300 and 1,000 metres in altitude, and the climate is Mediterranean.

brebis dans la foret

There are two ski stations on the Mont Lozère:
- Le Bleymard: 1400-1700 metres, seven downhill ski runs, and five cross-country itineraries.
- Mas de la Barque: 1340-1650 metres, five cross-country itineraries.
Nature lovers—be your penchant flora or fauna—are spoiled here. The flora is remarkable from April through the end of the Autumn: broom, narcissi, orchids, Arnica, thyme, just to mention a few. And ecology being a major focus of the National Park, the wild flowers are as protected as the landscape.

Mushrooms thrive, including cèpes and chanterelles as well, of course, as our own shiitakes.

The fauna too is amazingly diverse: at dusk, you are sure to see deer, wild boar, foxes and badgers as well as many and various birds of prey. If you are lucky, you may even catch sight of a marten, a genette or a beaver.

The fishing throughout the Département is particularly fine from April to June, and the two streams at Mas la Devèze are loaded with trout.

NB :
Activities, roads, attractions and Google links: 

Parc National des Cévennes 
Roussillon- Languedoc Lozère 
Bagnols les-bains 
La Bambouseraie Gorges du Tarn 
Gorges de Chassezac 
Les Bondons 
Liaison ferroviaire Clermont Ferrand-Genolhac-Alès 
Château de Aujac 
Château de Tournel 
Château de Portes 
Château de Brésis 
Château de Luc 
Château de Verfeuil Vautours 
Le col de Finiels 
Ecomuseum du Causse 
L'Ecomuseum de Mont Lozère 
Ecomuseum des Cévennes 
L'église romane de Bonnevaux
la Fage 
Flore et faune 
La Garde - Guérin 
Gorges du Tarn Gorges du Chassezac 
Grottes (Aven Armand, Dargilan e.a.)
Lanuejols et Mausolée de Lanuejols 
Mas Camargues (pnC) 
Malon et Elze 
Menhirs de Bondon Mielerie 
Le Mont Lozère Faire du VTT
OTSI Villefort OTSI Genolhac 
Le parc national des Cévennes
Pic de Loup-
truite Langogne 
Le lac de Villefort 
Le Pont de Montvert 
Le pont de Sénechas
Le pont de St. André de Capcèze 
Le Parc de Bison les Loups du Gévaudan 
Museum Pierre André Benoit (Alès) Museum municipal du Colombier (Alès) 
Museum Mine témoin- (Alès) 
Museum vivant de la laine (Langogne) 
Museum "de la terre à l'acier" (St. Chély d'Apcher) 
Pont du Tarn 
Pont de Rastel 
Poteries d'Anduze 
Randonnée pédestre et équestre 
Mont Lozère 
La Régordane
RN 106 
Route des Crêtes (D 35) 
Le chemin de Stevenson 
Saint Ambroix 
St. Chély d'Apcher 
Ste Enimie 
Source du Tarn 
Ski Alpin & ski de fond
Stations de ski : - Le Bleymard : 1400-1702m 7 pistes alpine skie en 5 langlauf pistes - Mas de la Barque 1340-1650m. 
5 langlauf pistes 
Tour du Mont Lozère 
Le truc de Bondon 
Le tumulus de Dieusses 
Vallon de Villaret 
Viaduct van Chamborigaud 

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